The Navigator Institute (NI) is the Philippine Navigators’ arm for equipping a generation of laborers among Navigator constituents and the bigger body of Christ. NI serves the following purposes:

  1. Facilitate the development of deep spirituality (spiritual disciplines) and capacity building primarily for our staff, laborers, and contacts;
  2. Standardize our training materials and approach (to maintain our distinctive);
  3. Make training more effective and accessible (adult learning theories, modalities- online, F2F, hands-on, independent, place based, mission field exposure);
  4. Strengthen the regional training capacity so that region will develop their training programs that respond to their context and be willing to share with other regions; and
  5. Provide an avenue for research to formulate ideas and approaches to address issues and challenges (e.g., trauma, reaching out to the poor and marginalized, becoming generational leaders); also hermeneutical community (LGBTQ, divorce, remarriage, etc.)


Track No. Track Name
Track 1 Contemplative Spirituality and well-being
Track 2 Biblical and Theological Studies
Track 3 People helping / Counseling
Track 4 Leadership Training
Track 5 Missions
Track 6 Resource Development and Financial Management
Track 7 The Navs Distinctives



Webinars organized/facilitated by the NI faculty (2023 – 2024):

  • Spirituality and well-being
  • REFRAME Series Discussion
  • Discussion on Divorce and Remarriage
  • Mindful Adulting
  • Trauma and Suicide
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Grief Process
  • Financial Literacy
  • PhilNavs Leadership Course



Ched E. Arzadon is the director of the Navigator Institute.

For inquiries, kindly contact: or .