Spiritual Maturity addresses —
- Maturity Profile. What does a mature disciple look like, man or woman, in the areas of knowledge, character, skill and vision.
- Maturity Process. What are the development pieces for producing a disciple and what relational groups you will use to accomplish your strategy, such as small groups, mid-size groups, and Life-to-Life?
- Discipleship Material. Discipleship material needs to be selected and leaders trained to facilitate the development of disciples. We primarily utilize In God’s Family (formerly called The 2:7 Series*).
- In addition, disciples need to be equipped to build other disciples. We utilize the Adventure of Discipling Others for this disciple equipping process.
*One of the most widely used discipling tools in the world. It develops the habits, skills, and character of a maturing disciple while providing accountability in the context of grace and love.