Tagaytay Navs Ministry Is Now Open

Some Araneta University Alumni (Kuya Rely Ate Elsie, Kuya Lani and Ate Yolie, Ate Pilar, Charie, Willy S.  etc.) used to travel to visit their co-AU alumni.  One time I went with them in Tagaytay to visit Kuya Nanie and Ate Edna Romero.

I’ve known from their conversation that Kuya Nanie is doing organic farming in a 1 1/2 hectares of land while ate Edna is having a clinic as VetMed.  I then overheard that Kuya Nanie is meeting few groups of people and doing Bible Studies with them.

So I asked some more and found out that he’s been doing it for sometime already. He has BS among the policemen, firemen, retirees and even High School students. He is doing it on his own and he is not bringing them to church the BS are happening right where these people are.

I got excited and presented to him  our Unified Ministry Direction in five minutes Immediately I know that he got it.

Our next visit, I brought to him the idea of opening a Nav Ministry in Tagaytay and at the same time I ask him to pray if he can lead it and become an associate staff of the Navs. He said he and ate Edna that they will pray about it. That was late last year.

Last January, I visited him again to know the result of their prayers and he said YES if that is what the Lord is leading them.

I informed our South Luzon Overseer (Kuya Wency) about this development, and he started to meet Kuya Nanie.

Last Feb 6, 2019 we formally open the Navs Ministry in Tagaytay. The ET and the Overseer of South Luzon and some friends of Kuya Nanie from AU and some of his contacts came to Commission Kuya Nanie and Ate Edna Romero as our Area Ministry Leader of Tagaytay City.!!!


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We have another Nav Alumni Jundy Riola possibly can team up with him.

Praise The Lord… For starting something in Tagaytay.  We are all teary eyed when we hear the testimony of the contact of Kuya Nanie, how kuya Nanie journeyed with them  in their ups and downs of life.

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